Booking Appointment

Please always check the confirmation email after booking. If you did not receive one, please contact us to confirm your appointment as your booking might not be scheduled. Couple-Massage rooms are designed to be part of your special day, however, it is on a first come first serve basis. Please let us know how we can help you make some arrangement to make your special day complete.

Change or cancel an appointment
We require 24 hours notice in order to reschedule or cancel your appointment. Changing (cancelling or rescheduling) your appointment in less than 24 hours will be subject to a 50% late cancellation/rescheduling fee.

  • Massage with a touch of hot stone

    Signature Massage

    60 min - $110
    75 min - $135
    90 min - $155

  • Head, Neck and Shoulder Massage

    30 min - $65
    45 min - $85

  • Relaxation Massage

    30 min - $65
    45 min - $85
    60 min - $105
    75 min - $130
    90 min - $150

  • Deep Tissue Massage

    30 min - $65
    45 min - $85
    60 min - $105
    75 min - $130
    90 min - $150

  • Therapeutic Massage

    30 min - $65
    45 min - $85
    60 min - $105
    75 min - $130
    90 min - $150

  • Prenatal Massage (15+ weeks)

    60 min - $105
    75 min - $130
    90 min - $150

  • Postpartum Massage

    60 min - $105
    75 min - $130
    90 min - $150

  • Lymphatic Drainage Massage

    30 min - $65
    45 min - $85
    60 min - $105
    75 min - $130
    90 min - $150

  • Sport Massage

    30 min - $65
    45 min - $85
    60 min - $105
    75 min - $130
    90 min - $150

  • Dynamic Cupping

    60 min - $115
    75 min - $140
    90 min - $160

  • Hot Stone Massage

    60 min - $135
    75 min - $155
    90 min - $175

  • Maderotherapy/ Wood Therapy

    45 min - $95
    60 min - $115
    75 min - $140
    90 min - $160
    Add on in regular massage +$20

  • Traditional Thai Oil Massage

    45 min - $95
    60 min - $120
    75 min - $140
    90 min - $160

  • Student Massage

    60 min - $80
    75 min - $100
    90 min - $120

    No direct billing for this services*

  • MVA Massage

    30 min - $80
    45 min - $100
    60 min - $120
    75 min - $150
    90 min - $170

  • Add on RMT Lymphatic Facial

    Add on 15 - 20 minutes RMT Lymphatic Facial Massage - $20

  • Reflexology

    Foot Reflexology 45 min - $85
    Foot Reflexology 60 min - $105
    Hand & foot Reflexology 90 min - $130
    Hand, Ear, Face & Scalp Reflexology 60 min - $100

    No direct billing for this services*

  • Reiki

    Initial Reiki 60 min - $105

    Follow up 30 min Reiki - $65
    Follow up 45 min Reiki - $85

    Additional Reiki in massage $20

  • Acupuncture

    Initial Acupuncture - $135
    Follow up acupuncture - $100
    Add on services
    Gua Sha - $50
    Ear Seed - $20
    Moxibustion - $30
    Acupuncture Cupping - $35

  • Manual Osteopathic

    Initial Manual Osteopathic Assessment + treatment 90 min - $175

    Returning 30 min - $85
    Returning 45 min - $110
    Returning 60 min - $130
    Returning 75 min - $155
    Returning 90 min - $175

    No direct billing for this services*

Couple Massage 

We would like to be part of your big day. Two couples rooms are provided in our facility. You may request to use this room in your booking. However, the rooms are first come, first served. We are happy to make an arrangement with all necessary. Candles and roses are optional for an anniversary or special day. You must request these 24 hours in advance.

60 min - $220 per couple
75 min - $270 per couple
90 min - $310 per couple

*Upgrades to signature massage, dynamic cupping, and hot stone massage are subject to an upcharge.